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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Top 7 Qualities of an Expert Programmer

This article from dzone nails it and will probably hold true for the life of a programmer! It is well thought out and well written. Any developer from novice to expert can relate to many of the points outlined.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Looping in Informatica

  1. Separate mapping/session to get all pid from a file and load the pid's in a relational table(load_result table). The table could consist of the following fields.. pid, datawarehouse transaction datetime, completion_status(with a status of 'I').
  2. Create a mapping/session to ouput a param flat file. The mapping should have a logic to pick the (min) of pid where the completion_status is an 'I'. Snapshot of lod_rlst table before the staging or fact load commences

    01/01/2009 12:00:00:000 AM

  3. Call your next dummy session to load staging or fact tables from post-session command(components tab). The Link between param file(step 2 above) and next dummy session (step 3) should say. Previous_task = succeeded and previous_target_success_rows > 0. (We want to call the next session to load data warehouse tables, if only the param file has any pid in it).
  4. After data is loaded through staging/facts, at the end of all successful staging/facts sessions, create another dummy session with a post_sql to update the completion_status for the pid that was just loaded from 'I' to 'C' (Incomplete status to a Complete Status). Now delete from load_result table where completion_status is 'C'. In post_session success command of this dummy session, it should call step 2 above. Snapshot of load result table after a load is completed successfully but before it's deleted from lod_rslt table

01/01/2009 12:00:00:000 AM

5. The link in step 2 will help the process continue if there are any pid's left in lod_rslt table. If all pid's are done, the session should complete gracefully and send an email.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Monitoring changes over time...

If you need to run a command repeatedly at some interval and watch the output and know what has changed from the last iteration. For example say you want to monitor an XML feed which is providing data from weather sensors and you want to see the data every 2 minutes and also see the new data highlighted? try the Unix watch utility. It has parameters to specify update interval and also supports matching wildcard.

Monitoring multiple log files simultaneously

Ever wanted to look at many log files in real time while it's being updated? Multitail is a Unix utility program which can be used to monitor multiple log files and it will break up the display console into one unit for each file. It can also use colors while displaying the logfiles (through regular expressions). Supports monitoring wild card and more. You can monitor entire directories of files.
Also runs on Cygwin.